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7. 8. 2007

2 x od kanadského premiéra v červenci 2007

Dopis datovaný 11. června 2007


Dear Mr. Stejskal: On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to  acknowledge receipt of your  correspondence of May 14, in which you offered congratulations for Canada´s victory at the 2007 World Junior (zde se pisatel dopustil chyby, ve skutečnosti šlo o seniorský šampionát-pozn. L. S.)  Hockey Championship.

ObrazekPlease be assured that your kind words have been conveyed to the Prime Minister and are most appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to write. Yours Sincerely, M. Bredeson, Executive Correspondence Officer. (Pozn.: Dopis obsahoval také fotografii  premiéra Harpera s vlastnoručním podpisem-viz snímek vpravo.)


Dopis datovaný  27. července 2007

ObrazekDear Mr. Stejskal: On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your Canada Day greeting from the Czech Republic.

ObrazekThank you for taking the time to write to the Prime Minister. He appreciates all the positive messages he has received from the people of Canada and our friends around the world. Please accept my best wishes for a paeaceful and enjoyable summer. Yours Sincerely, M. Bredeson, Executive Correspondence Officer.